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There are three subsections here:

ZG Style___________________________

This section allows changing ZipGenius colors and font used:

1 - ColorS AND Font:

ZipGenius allows to use many combinations of colors and fonts to customize ZipGenius look. You can save these settings in order to use them each time you run ZipGenius.

The SUITE edition offers some default styles, but if you have STANDARD edition, you will need also the Style Pack, which will install M.Dev Software default styles.

If you have styles installed, you need only to choose a style from list and to click "OK",

However you can create a custom style: you can modify background color, text color and font used for the file list, plus you can change SideBar's look in "Sidebar" section, by using SKINS: you can build your own sidebar skins, just ask to . Clicking on "Add theme" will store color scheme and sidebar skin you have selected.

If you want to change an existing style, you have to select it from list, modify it and save it again without changing its name: ZipGenius will ask if you want to update that.

Exporting a theme.
Click "Export style" and ZipGenius will export your current ZG Theme in a file, so that you can share it with friends.

ZG Themes - send your ZG Theme to M.Dev Software.
Other themes will be available in the future and it may include ZG Themes sent by users (you have just to export a style and send it to ).

ZG Style - how to install.
ZG Styles are really easy to install: just open the zip file that ships the new style and ZipGenius will detect it and will ask if you want to install that style. The new style will appear in the ZG Styles list.


Here you can change settings related to the main toolbar of ZipGenius:

Starting from ZG 5.2.5 even toolbar is skinnable. Skin files have the .ZTK extension and they are part of ZipGenius Themes.


Single-click: select this option if you want to use a single click where a double click is required.

Show grid: enables the grid in ZipGenius files list.

Full row selection: when you will select a file in ZipGenius list, its entire row will be selected.  

The other four options can hide/show some parts of ZipGenius user interface (Status bar, Info bar, First Step bar, Sidebar). If you check all those options, you will get the most complete interface; if all options are disabled, you will see a minimal interface with just the toolbar and the files list (in NORMAL mode, "First Step" bar is always on an can't be removed).

FILE MARKER___________________________

If you have archives with many files inside, you may enable "file marker" feature to see certain files in a crowded list. Enable this feature by checking the "Enable File Marker" box and ZipGenius will mark all files related to the patterns you will add to the file marker list. You can specify to mark a certain file by specifying its filename (ex.: "MyPicture.jpg") or you can force ZipGenius to mark files of a given type (ex.: ".DOC"). NOTE: if you specify a filename for a file that may be marked due its type, the filename pattern will have priority over the generic pattern. Example: if you set "Report.doc" and ".doc" as patterns, ZipGenius will mark all ".DOC" files, but "Report.doc" will be marked with the different attributes you gave.

Moreover, when this feature is enabled, ZipGenius will use it to mark the following default patterns (not listed):  



ZipGenius now supports multiple languages, but English and Italian are shipped within the setup package. In this section you can choose which one to use. All shell extensions will be affected, but not SFX creation modules, which are available only in english or in italian. 

You can check for additional language packs by clicking on "Connect": you will see a list of all available language packs on ZipGenius website. You just have to click on desired language pack and it will be downloaded, then you have to install it (it is a self-extracting file).

Select a language and click "Apply".

From ZipGenius 5.1 the language list will show only compatible language packs. Example: in ZG 5.1 language packs v.102 won't appear, but v.110 or newer will do.

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